Friday 28 December 2012

A new culture, The Lahore Metro

CM Shahbaz Sharif operating electronic ticketing machine
Whenever we come back to Pakistan from any developed country, among few other things, the first thing we mention to our friends back home is their metro transport system and the very comfort it adds up to a person over there. So was the case when I visited Japan early this year, known to have the very best metro system, Tokyo still is world’s largest metropolitan. While travelling over there and the relaxation in mind of having a reliable source to travel, it was a great experience to travel in arguably the best metro system of the world. Tokyo, Kawasaki and Yokohama were my destinations and the cities are connected in a way that it was so comfortable to travel from one place to another with in triangle of these cities. Being a Pakistani, I have to admit that there was somewhere inside me an inferiority complex while operating those state of the art ticketing machines and standing at those platforms that no such thing can be seen in my homeland. We may have atomic bombs and missiles those can demolish anything but fast, safe and reliable public transport was just a dream. With Pakistan Railway hitting new lows every now and then, the image of public transport in my country while standing on those Tokyo metro platforms was old ‘hiace’ and famous ‘coasters’.

Metro system is a ‘must have’ blessing of every metropolitan of the world. The very sense of communication and travelling is not complete without these rapid transport systems. The platforms are populated and timely arrivals and departures of the vehicles are always a treat to watch. These multi storied subway stations gives you the feeling as if whole city is being floated on these metro lines and terminals.

Seeing Punjab Chief Minister’s pictures of the test drive of Lahore Rapid Bus Transport system few days back, I was amazingly surprised. I couldn’t believe that such a thing is going to be operational in no time now. Someone told me that it’s the fastest constructed rapid transport system in entire world. Further seeing pictures of electronic counter and walk troughs; it can easily be compared with any world class metro system of the world.

Although, Karachi and Islamabad should have been the ideal place to start this type of project because of their need and least public transport facilities. This Punjab government headed by Shahbaz Sharif, has taken this step to give another new culture to this country after motorway project. People disliked Motorway project too but regardless of all political gains and losses, it has proved to be a trend setter and cultural advancement in Pakistan. Same is going to happen in Lahore Rapid Metro Bus Service project, political parties not happy with Shahbaz Sharif for one reason or other are criticising this project with or without logics. It is there job to criticise politically, but masses aren’t very much interested in this debate of allegations. What people will experience in the matter of few weeks now will give them a new culture and taste of comfort and self-esteem, something very rare for lower and lower middle class. Travelling in such a high tech high speed metro bus will change the concept of public transport. Things will get better and better from here as far as public transport is considered in other parts of the country.
Not being lahori means I am not going to be the direct beneficiary of this metro thing. But I know for a fact that it will enrich us with new culture of high esteemed public transport. None the less, the proud of having such a thing in my country will mean NO MORE inferiority complex on Tokyo metro platforms. Thank you Punjab Government, thank you for this self-esteem.

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