Saturday 10 March 2012

The Change We Need .....

Politics of pakistan has always been a very strange thing for the common people to understand.especially the way the politicians of pakistan have run this country and the martial laws have been enforced by the military dictators.we had always been hearing the popular slogans like roti ,kapra and makkan raised by the PPP and their recent popular solgan often spoken by the current prime misnister of pakistan “hum iss mulak mein kissi ko bhi garreeb nahi rehnay dein gay”.Well  I am afraid their current slogan is even more humorous than the old one since they couldn’t even work on their old slogan and any of the serious issue faced by the common people in pakistan .Their government is all messed up with corruption and everyone is more interested in getting the undue benefits rather than focussing on the work they have been assigned.
Similar is the case with other popular party of Pakistan PML-N.They are also more interested in holding the ministries and power and not really focussing on the problems faced by the common poor man and promoting strange schemes of yellow cab taxis which by the way was a flop in the past,a scheme that was introduced by the same party years back Another one is sasti roti and the danish school system.Well what more can I say about these schemes and projects a common man is simply not impressed by any means by these schemes and projects both these parties have tried to bring for the rescue of the people.
In the last 15 years or so I have seen people of pakistan and especially the educated youth taking a lot interest in the politics because of the way the politics of pakistan has gone. now the educated youth of our generation is a bit too curious and aware of the things going on in the country and the democratic systems being run the world thanks to the internet and media.and in this period imran khan comes to scene and joins the politics and tries to give people a lot of hopes yet again which definitely is supported by the educated youth and many other communities which have never shown any involvement in the ploitics and elections. Many of us are hopeful that if he comes in the governmnet he would bring about the reforms that are needed in this country and he would put an end to the corruption and would collect the taxs in better way and also provide us with a good law and order stituation and put an end to the energy crisis.but these are lot of things aren’t they and at the same time he would need some time and very good team to fix all these issues which have developed due to the poor performance of our governments in the last 60 years .This guy did work well with the cricket team and also he was able to make a good charity hospital by the name Shaukat Khanum.So many of us consider he is the change our current system needs and thus Imran Khan has all of a sudden become the name of the “change”.But my point is if Imran Khan and what ever he is doing in the politics these days  is bringing about a change in the old parties like PML –N and PPP and they have also been trying to improve themselves with the emergence of Imran Khan in the politics,we should also consider them .So, what basically we need is a change an improved system right and so should not be thinking about only one single party.we should be open for all the parties and consider all the available parties in this country and who so ever can bring improvement in the system and our current condition with right and open mind set should be considered and given the opportunity.We all have made mistakes in our lives and so have these political leaders and parties so we must give them, a chance but only if they are willing to correct themseleves learn from their mistakes and bring effective reforms in the country for the betterment of the nation, and at the same time they should develop a system and intitutions that should work in an efffective and improved way.

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