Saturday 17 March 2012

The Smartphone fever. Android vs iOS

The smartphone fever has hit Pakistan like any other developed country out there. You just cannot say that we are a poor nation when we look at the smart phones every other person is holding in his/her hands. I dont need to explain what the smartphone fever is because you know what I am talking about.
Yes, the next question. Who is leading? Well I am pretty sure that Blacberry with their BB OS & Nokia with their Windows Phone, Symbian & Symbian Anna clearly isn't. There are two horses who are leading the race. The first one is the Google created freeware, Android and the second one is the closed eco system iOS by Apple. The Android & iOS fanboys will fight to the death to prove that their beloved OS is the best. Though, even I feel that the kind of freedom & creativity which my android phone gives me, an iPhone will never be able to satisfy.
Now why people buy that specific product. What I have came to know after meeting the two different kinds of people i.e. Android & iOS Fanboys is that, the person who has an android phone is much more likely to be more technology literate than the person who has an iPhone. There has been many instances, when I asked an iPhone or iPad owner that do you know you can get better specifications, better screen etc etc in that phone, i.e. HTC Sensation or a Samsung Galaxy S2 or a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is better than this iPad you are holding and that person was totally blank & gave me that typical apple fan smile and said I dont know about these devices. Some people went even further by saying, Apple is Apple.
Apple has the best marketing, FACT! Android is the best OS, FACT!
With android you get so much freedom that you can customize your device any way you want with widget, different homescreens & shortcuts. You have the freedom to connect it to any device. You get a plethora of smartphones with different vendors in the market. And you get the never ending free apps in the Google Play Store.
People say that they can also get free apps on iPhone or iPad via cydia, but on android, you get it on a stock phone, whereas, you need to jailbreak your apple device.
According to stats, Around 50% of US Smartphone Market Share belongs to Google's Android OS and around 30% is ownned by iOS. And I bet, Android market share is even higher across the globe with Android phones being availble readily across different markets, by different vendors & with different price ranges.
I ain't no judge, but let's see the b/m stats. They are a bit old, now android market share is even higher:

Now, question is, do you have the smartphone fever? Would you buy an expensive apple product with low specs & smaller screens than a higher spec'd gorgeous looking android phone!? "Food for thought"


  1. Very informative article. Though I'm still a fan of apple, majorly because of its brand equity but yes google penetrated here too. I never knew android has bigger market shares.

  2. latest: Apple has sold 3 million new iPads since launch. in a matter of few days. Truly they have the best marketing.
    Apple! What are you going to do with all that money??
