Monday 9 April 2012

135 Soldiers, We don't deserve you.

While we were sleeping in our comfy beds. While we were hanging out in late night parties. While we were talking to our girlfriends. One hundred and thirty five soldiers were at work. The work which arguably is the toughest of all. Those soldiers were making sure that we sleep with peace, they made sure that we sleep and wakeup next morning and go to our work. They did it so we can update our Facebook statuses, so we can watch IPL matches, so we can criticize any and everything we see in our society, so we abuse our system and country, so we feel ashamed of being a green passport holder. They did it. They did it when our President was planning to visit India for 'personal tour', when Bilawal was criticizing Judiciary, when Nawaz Sharif was changing stances on Nato Supplies, when Imran Khan was targeting Laptop Scheme. Oh bloody soldiers, you were so stupid. Your efforts, your love, your dedication were all useless. We give a damn to all of you. We are more interested in watching Indian movies and IPL. We like to party, we love to stay all night up talking to our girlfriends, we never cared nor we will for your efforts and lives.
We are divided into provinces, we like to tell our sect more than nation, we can only fight over difference we have but we can’t even think of fighting with India. We never asked you to go there and safe us in those glaciers. We don’t care you all had parents, mothers, wives and friends.
If any of you is still alive under 80 feet of ice, please die, because we will never give you respect, we will never care for what you have done for us, we don’t want heroes, we are happy without you, we will only give you embarrassment, energy crisis, inflation and so on.

Please die and don’t think that we have halted our daily lives in worry for you. Don’t dare to think that I missed last night dance party, don’t assume that I skipped work and prayed for you all day long.

We don’t deserve you, we are dead, we are morons, YES, we are the youth of modern world and the enlighten educated class of this country.

135 soldiers, forgive us.


  1. Afsheen Akhter9 April 2012 at 12:41


  2. Nation deserves heroes not a crowd of liars
    Why didn't you mention media which gave more coverage to Zaradari's personal tour, bollwood's new release than this issue
    Besides all these things 135 families of these soldiers needs them more than anything else...
    I Pray may Allah Might helps them and save their lives atleast for their families

  3. sad but true :(

  4. wow, reading this made even sadder.. true! we are a dead nation, without doubt, without any hope. RIP Pakistan.

  5. E are not a dead nation. I respect them and prayed for them but the attained eternal life. They are shaheed. I love them all. I respect them, my family respect them.
