Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Way to Go !!!

By God, he that is weakest among you shall be in my eye the strongest, until I have vindicated for him his rights; he that is strongest I will treat as the weakest, until he complies with the law.
Above statement was given by second caliph of Islam Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb one of the most great and wise leaders this world has ever seen as agreed by historians from all sects and religions. Above saying reflects the core idea behind the method of governance by Umar. The idea of Welfare state originates from the protection of the weakest and bounding the strong within the limits of law. As many historians agree Umar concentrated on developing the areas conquered and laying foundations of a welfare state rather than just adding numbers to Muslim states yet Muslims expanded on an unprecedented rate in the reign of Umar. This expansion certainly reflects the acceptance of people to the foundation of society laid by Umar and their willingness to follow him with conviction.

The idea of protecting the weakest among us is not related to any special sect or religion. But from my view point every religion prescribed this solution for the social injustice and oppression over the poor and weak. In this world today from developed to the third world countries we are suffering from unequal distribution of wealth and facilities. The recent protest of “Occupy Wall street” shows even in the most developed country there have accumulated great number of people who are denied their basic rights and needs. The pioneers of capitalism are now experiencing the consequences of a system that is based on endless hunger of more and more. No doubt what this system offers attracts the best of us and we do whatever we can do to get everything it has to offer, but there are always people on the other side who are deprived of even the basic needs of life. This disproportion creates a rift in society which becomes the source of corruption and crimes. 

If we have to move forward without collapsing and disappearing in oblivion, we would have to stick to this basic rule of a welfare society, that provides the weak with the due protection it needs and making it mandatory for strong to vindicate rights to the weak. This would create a self-regenerating cycle which will heal the disparities of a society. We have to realize that this current system of greed and selfishness now needs to be condemned; we would have to be selfless and just in order for Humanity to survive.

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