Friday 9 March 2012

Patience is the key

There is not a single human we have seen in known history that was successful over a significant period of time and wasn’t patience. This single statement can be considered enough to weight the stance that patience is responsible for intelligent decisions. Patience is basically staying calm and let your brain work in difficult situation. It is not easy to control yourself both mentally and physically in emotional and sensational moments but once mastered, a person can manipulate situations quite authoritatively. The only and foremost characteristic responsible for good terms and relations among families, friends and partners is patience. The very thought in one’s mind that the person in front of him/her is patient enough to absorb the moment of heat makes person comfortable enough, this comfort is basically responsible for the development of bonding among them. In modern world, at all critical positions, the basic thing seek among candidates is if they are impulsive or patience. In all psychological tests, checking patience is one of the major tasks. Psychologists have however pointed out few tips to avoid impulsiveness in critical situations which may lead to disasters. One is to blink your eyes 4-5 times before reacting to any incident or statement. Another is count to 10 to avoid any wrong decision. These childish types of tips however have proven to be very effective and surveys have shown that people who naturally are impatience have taken right decisions by controlling their immediate reaction. However, the most productive method to ‘create’ patience is to involve yourself in some physical activity either sports or cleaning your room or gardening etc. Patience is not always natural ability but being patient at critical moments can be learnt with little effort and hence do great wonder in life. After all, less you speak the less you are exposed.

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