Friday 9 March 2012

Mind & Soul

We grew in an era which was perhaps the most vigorously progressing era in history of mankind. Technology evolved exponentially and amazing aspect is that we witnessed such a sharp rise in real time, experiencing each step forward as we grew.  Man who is professed to be superior than all other creations of God proved to be so. With his matchless will and determination to move forward and the quality of creativity that he got from his Creator managed to achieve all that which would just be dreamt about just some decades ago. With all these milestones achieved and all the marvels made, a question still rattles me sometimes, that isn’t it that we forgot in this race of conquering the world and unraveling all its secrets that we are still human beings. No matter what we do we have a soul that needs to be nurtured, as a famous saying goes “ You don’t have a soul , You are a soul and You have a body”. Unfortunately with each day passing we are neglecting ourselves more and more, concentrating on a world which has nothing in return to give but will only consume us. It doesn’t mean at all that we should just refute all this progress we have made over centuries and get back to stone age to nourish our souls, instead have ourselves evolved in same manner with which we evolved our minds. We have to realize that being human being doesn’t only mean to live for yourself or for your loved ones. Humanity has a greater perspective and meaning which we can find, all we have to do is just peek inside ourselves. Balance between mind & soul would be the key here, because it will determine the course of mankind in years to come. 

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